Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies (TAGEM), Central Fisheries Research Institute (SUMAE) in collaboration with GFCM-General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean, FAO-Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations organize the 2nd International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences “SOFAS 2023”, that will be held on 24-26 October 2023 at National Fisheries Gene Bank, Central Fisheries Research Institute, Trabzon, Türkiye.
At the Feed&Innovation workshop, where the GFCM 2030 strategy on aquaculture production and industrial feeds was evaluated, industry leaders and experts announced innovative solutions to optimize aquaculture feed production, nutrition and sustainability. In this working group, where different topics from new ingredients to sensitive feeding systems were discussed, studies and innovative approaches compatible with FAO’s vision of an aquaculture sector that uses aquaculture resources efficiently were discussed.
Dr. Tufan Eroldoğan presented a talk entitled “What awaits the Fish Feed Industry towards 2030? He made a presentation titled “Current Trends & Expectations” in the symposium ( in the Food & Innovation working group
(Click on the link to access the presentation).